
Syntropia is the name I have adopted for my creative artistic work, under the company Syntropia LTD. Syntropy is a process by which order and organisation. self-distils out of chaos and confusion. Entropy is the reverse process whereby things decay and break down into chaos.

Generally, we focus on entropic events because they are easier to observe. As a result entropy often appears to be the way of all things. However, this clearly cannot be the case since if it was, where did integrated self-organized systems come from in the first place?

Given that destruction decay and chaos are not foregone conclusions, what can we do to promote Syntropy? How may we inspire constructive and creative change within the systems we exist in?
Nurturing and promoting sustainable and socially beneficial development will always have superior consequences for humanity, than promoting and facilitating divisive and destructive attitudes driven by fear and greed. This brings us all to the question of why we let our governments promote big and expensive wars when without a doubt far superior consequences can be achieved by making similar investments in collaborative social development projects for positive sustainable change.

Imagine a world where instead of sending armies of killers and machines of destruction to other people's homes in distant countries, powerful governments sent teams of healers, builders, and artists.

It is saddening and sickening that so much effort and resources are invested in supporting destructive consciousness. What do children need from toy weapons and games that involve killing and destruction? Surely as creative artists, we can imagine and create toys and games that will make our developing humans into more functional adults in our global society.

We are all natural storytellers from the time we are toddlers. This need to tell our stories is the foundation of the development of our communication and languages, it becomes increasingly complex as we develop as individuals and as a species.

We tell our stories intuitively without pausing to consider the mechanics we apply in doing so. In general, we often may not even think of our lives in terms of the stories that we tell. Yet conveying our messages to others, and even recalling our own thoughts to ourselves, is done through the process of storytelling.

Much about the world we live in has changed over time, and with increasing complexity, it is unavoidable that the rate of change is also accelerating. New existential threats have emerged into our daily lives, these include growing populations, data ignorance, increasingly manipulative misinformation supported by advanced technical abilities, and global warming.

Information must be examined carefully to reveal underlying truths and deceptions, and growing volumes of complex information brings corresponding difficulties to the challenges for filtering and distilling reliable information.

As a creative Artist I disagree with the statement that "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable", postulated by the Mexican poet and academic, Cesar A. Cruz. Perhaps more realistic opening words should be “Art can comfort etc…”

I believe that art is the language of the soul. It may reveal profound glimpses of enlightenment or disturbing turmoil within an artist. It is not necessary for art to be a confrontational revolutionary tool. As a communication tool art has been used historically to form and manipulate opinions and importantly it has often been a tool to inspire prejudices.

Working on hundreds of advertising campaigns eventually exhausted my willingness to participate in commercial advertising. As I am now in my final productive years I prefer to work on projects that serve a greater good and which will inspire and nurture positive social change.